Universal Credit Help to Claim Line:

Today’s opening times: 8am – 6pm


Today’s opening times: 9am – 4pm

Energy Advice

Our trained advisers can advise on; energy switching to save money, applications for warm home discount and other grants, signing up to priority service registers, money saving tips, reducing your water bill and a variety of other things designed to save you money.

More information on the energy advice we provide can be found here.

How to book

To book an appointment call our Adviceline on 0808 278 7954. Freephone, lines open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm (except Bank Holidays).

If you can’t hear or speak on the phone, you can type what you want to say using Relay UK.

Relay UK: 18001 then 0808 278 7954

You can use Relay UK with an app or a textphone. There’s no extra charge to use it. Find out how to use Relay UK on the Relay UK website.

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