Home » Complaints policy
It is important to let us know that you are unhappy and to give us the chance to put things right. Don’t be afraid to speak to one of our advisers or managers – they might be able to sort out the problem straight away.
To contact us to make an informal complaint call our Adviceline on 0808 278 7954. Freephone, lines open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm (except Bank Holidays).
If you can’t hear or speak on the phone, you can type what you want to say using Relay UK.
Relay UK: 18001 then 0808 278 7954
Otherwise, move to the more formal process.
If you are not a client, ask us to explain the Third Party complaints procedure to you.
There are several ways to make a complaint. You can put the information in a letter and send it to the address (please see the ‘Send your complaint to’ for our contact details below) or drop it into one of our offices. Complaints can be addressed to the Chief Officer or Chair. You can tell us on the phone or face-to-face that you want us to investigate your complaint.
If you prefer, you can ask National Citizens Advice to refer your complaint to us. You can complain via Citizens Advice by calling the complaints line. Or you can email your complaint. Citizens Advice will assess who is the best person to handle your complaint and ask them to deal with it. Please see the ‘Send your complaint to’ for contact details below.
Your complaint will be investigated by the Chief Officer under the direction of the Chair of our service, or by the Chair if you are complaining about the Chief Officer.
If your complaint is upheld, you will get a full apology and, where appropriate, be given details of any action that our service intend to take to put things right. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can ask for a further review and we will tell you how to do this.
We will aim to respond in full to your complaint in eight weeks. However, if the issue is complicated, any delay will be explained, and you will be kept informed of progress.
If you are still not happy with the response you receive from us, you can request a further review.
The review will be conducted under the direction of the Citizens Advice Chief Officer. If you are still not happy, you can ask for your complaint to be looked at by an Independent Adjudicator.
The Financial Ombudsman Service provides a free, independent service for clients to solve disputes with not for profit debt advice providers.
The Financial Ombudsman Service will only step in once Citizens Advice Sheffield has had the opportunity to investigate matters, so please contact us first.
If your complaint is about debt advice or if you were seeking advice about your credit record and you are not satisfied with the final response or if eight weeks have passed since you first let us know about your concerns, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman to review your complaint.
By post:
Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower,
E14 9SR
By phone:
0800 0 234 567 – free for people phoning from a ‘fixed’ line (e.g. a landline at home).
0300 123 9 123 – free for mobile phone users who pay a monthly charge for calls to numbers starting 01 and 02.
By email:
Chief Officer,
Citizens Advice Derbyshire Districts,
Town Hall,
Bank Road,
DE4 3NN.
You may also hand your complaint in at one of our local offices. Please mark the envelope “complaint”.
By post:
Citizens Advice,
3rd Floor North,
200 Aldersgate Street,
By phone:
03000 231 900
By email:
By online form:
Feedback and complaints – Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice Derbyshire Districts is the trading name of Derbyshire Districts Citizens Advice Bureau. A member of the National Citizens Advice Association.
Registered Office: Citizens Advice Derbyshire Districts, 26 Spring Gardens, Buxton SK17 6DE.
Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No: 4429840. Registered Charity No: 1094369. Registered VAT No: 442280809.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority: FRN 617583. Regulated by the Information Commissioner’s Office under ICO reference: Z824238X.
We will process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018.
Please refer to our online Privacy Policy for more information on how your personal data will be processed and stored. We want to ensure that all clients have a positive experience of using our services. We have a client charter and supporting policies to outline our commitment to you and what we expect in return. We have a complaint handling procedure. You can request a copy of the complaints leaflet to be either posted or emailed to you.
Copyright © 2025 Citizens Advice Derbyshire Districts. All rights reserved.